Friday, June 26, 2009

If ya wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make the change.....

The greatest icon in my century died yesterday. I can remember watching "Thriller" over and over when I was just three years old!
Literally I had the glove, the jacket, and black pants with zippers!! I mean who didn't in the 80's!
I also had a couple Michael Jackson Dolls, and a yellow Michael Jackson record player!!! You laugh now but I bet it will be worth some money one day!

Click here to see it!

I would run and hide behind the couch when he turned around with those bright yellow contacts!!!


Here is my top five favs!
  1. Thriller
  2. Black or White
  3. Dirty Diana
  4. Bad
  5. Beat It
Here is my Dad and me at age 3 playing in the floor with one of my Michael Jackson dolls! And singing karaoke with my Michael Jackson record player! (we were so awesome)!

Oh... and I actually got to see this jacket in Las Vegas!!! It's displayed in the Hard Rock Hotel!!!!

Beat It.... Beat It.... Beat It..... Beat It....

You will be missed!!!! And your number one hits shall be played in my Tahoe all week long!

I'm Bad.....

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Poor little Barak was so ignored yesterday! Nanny and Bronwen went shopping, he wasn't allowed to go. Daddy and Pop worked on a retaining wall, he just got in their way! So.... Tootie and I were stuck with each other! He was mad and sad, so I decided to take him swimming! By the time we got our swimsuits on Bronwen was back and we all got to swim together!

Time for home! Bronwen decided she wanted to stay at Nanny's, Barak wasn't allowed to because Nanny was too tired for them both. So... home we went home while Daddy finished up working with Pop!

When we got home we decided we would camp in the living room! Yay! Pillows, sheets, quilts! A homemade tent! I was kinda proud of myself!

Then Daddy came home, and decided my tent was up to standards! Down my palace went! And up with "Fischer-tropolis"!

Daddy saved the day again! Barak went to sleep a very happy "camper" last night!

I love you Jason, for making our babies so happy!

Happy Father's Day!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

My Hero... My Dad

Do you have that person in your life that always knows the answers? The one person who always makes you feel like everything will be alright when everything is looking bad. I think most people have had that person in their lives at least once...

The scariest moment in my life was when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I was nineteen, in college, and not married. The moment I found out, I was filled with dread. Dreading telling my Dad in fear of dissappointment to him. When that day came, I had my Mom come over to tell him (they were divorced). She walked up the stairs and sat him down and told him, while I waited in the living room terrified! He came slowly down the stairs and gave me the biggest hug and said.... Don't worry, things happen for a reason, and don't forget... YOU will always be MY baby!

From then on I wasn't scared. I knew everything would be fine! And guess what? Bronwen Eve Fischer was born March 2nd, 2002 and she was perfect! Me and Jason got married soon after she was born and well... the rest is history!

Mike Edwards 12/31/1956-01/28/2009

I love and miss you James Michael Edwards (DAD)! I'm proud to say that I am your daughter! I think about you everyday and always will! I hope Barak becomes the man that you were! And I will keep you alive in my children's hearts forever! Happy Father's Day to my hero!

Friday, June 19, 2009

The one pretty day....

So we've been having some massive storms lately.... here is what happened to our yard while Jason, Barak, Bronwen, and I braced ourselves for a tornado! (thinking we would wake up in Oz)

So.... We were ready for a nice sunny day! After cleaning up the yard... piling up sticks... sigh.. and then picking them up for the 2nd time to put in the trailer to haul off, we decided that the Walmart kiddie pool bought by Nanny would be a must! Who knew it would make this day so much fun for these two twerps!

Hope everyone enjoyed this well needed "summer" day!

BTW.... As soon as I started putting water in, Barak decided it would be fun to pee in it... shhh don't tell Bronwen

Thursday, June 18, 2009

My first Post....

Welcome to "The World of Lacey"! Where I am also known as "Momma", "Lace", and "Flea". Im sure I have been called an array of other heh... but these few are the more popular ones I hear!

I have two beautiful, wonderful, smart, and mean as a striped snake children.

I also have a tall, handsome, blue-eyed, smart-*** husband! I love and cherish all three of them!

Follow me on the adventures of "A Normal" family in a "Normal" life! hehehe!